閉包*在Rust 是一個稍微專業的語法,可以捕捉到封閉的環境函數。 這種語法和能力使它們在運行使用非常方便。一些特性包括:
圍繞輸入變量。 - 輸入和返回類型可以推斷出。
- 輸入變量名稱必須指定。
主體定界 (
) 是可選的一個表達式。強製性其他。 - 外環境變量可能被捕獲。
fn main() { // Increment via closures and functions. fn function (i: i32) -> i32 { i + 1 } // Annotation is identical to function annotation but is optional // as are the `{}` wrapping the body. These nameless functions // are assigned to appropriately named variables. let closure_annotated = |i: i32| -> i32 { i + 1 }; let closure_inferred = |i | i + 1 ; let i = 1; // Call the function and closures. println!("function: {}", function(i)); println!("annotated closure: {}", closure_annotated(i)); println!("inferred closure: {}", closure_inferred(i)); // A closure taking no arguments which returns an `i32`. // The return type is inferred. let one = || 1; println!("closure returning one: {}", one()); // It is possible to capture variables from the enclosing // environment; something which is impossible with functions. let professor_x = "Charles Xavier"; // A closure which takes no argument, returning nothing, prints // a variable from the enclosing scope. let print = || println!("Professor X's name is: {}", professor_x); // Call the closure. print(); }*.也被稱為lambda表達式或匿名函數。