位置:首頁 > Java技術 > AWT > LayoutManager 接口

LayoutManager 接口


接口LayoutManager 知道如何布局容器類,用於定義接口。



public interface LayoutManager


S.N. 方法和說明
1 void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) 
If the layout manager uses a per-component string, adds the component comp to the layout, associating it with the string specified by name.
2 void layoutContainer(Container parent) 
Lays out the specified container.
3 Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) 
Calculates the minimum size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
4 Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) 
Calculates the preferred size dimensions for the specified container, given the components it contains.
5 void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) 
Removes the specified component from the layout.