位置:首頁 > 其他技術 > Unix/Linux係統調用 > epoll_create()函數 Unix/Linux

epoll_create()函數 Unix/Linux

epoll_create - 打開一個epoll的文件描述符



int epoll_create(int size) 


Open an epoll file descriptor by requesting the kernel allocate an event backing store dimensioned for size descriptors. The size is not the maximum size of the backing store but just a hint to the kernel about how to dimension internal structures. The returned file descriptor will be used for all the subsequent calls to the epoll interface. The file descriptor returned by epoll_create(2) must be closed by using close(2).


When successful, epoll_create(2) returns a non-negative integer identifying the descriptor. When an error occurs, epoll_create(2) returns -1 and errno is set appropriately.


Error Code 描述
EINVAL size is not positive.
ENFILE The system limit on the total number of open files has been reached.
ENOMEM There was insufficient memory to create the kernel object.


epoll_create(2) 在Linux內核2.5.44 推出了一個新的API。該接口應該由Linux kernel 2.5.66。
