哈希鍵 - 值對的集合,類似這樣:"employee" => "salary"。它類似於數組,除了索引是通過任意鍵的任何對象的類型,而不是一個整數索引。
使用數組中,有各種各樣的方法來創建哈希值。可以 new 類方法創建一個空的hash :
months =
還可以使用 new 創建哈希,這是一個默認值,否則隻是 nil:
months = "month" ) or months = "month"
#!/usr/bin/ruby months = "month" ) puts "#{months[0]}" puts "#{months[72]}"
#!/usr/bin/ruby H = Hash["a" => 100, "b" => 200] puts "#{H['a']}" puts "#{H['b']}"
100 200
[1,"jan"] => "January"
Hash[[key =>|, value]* ] or [or] [or] { |hash, key| block }
#!/usr/bin/ruby $, = ", " months = "month" ) months = {"1" => "January", "2" => "February"} keys = months.keys puts "#{keys}"
2, 1
SN | 方法及描述 |
1 |
hash == other_hash Tests whether two hashes are equal, based on whether they have the same number of key-value pairs, and whether the key-value pairs match the corresponding pair in each hash. |
2 |
hash.[key] Using a key, references a value from hash. If the key is not found, returns a default value. |
3 |
hash.[key]=value Associates the value given by value with the key given by key. |
4 |
hash.clear Removes all key-value pairs from hash. |
5 |
hash.default(key = nil) Returns the default value for hash, nil if not set by default=. ([] returns a default value if the key does not exist in hash.) |
6 |
hash.default = obj Sets a default value for hash. |
7 |
hash.default_proc Returns a block if hash was created by a block. |
8 |
hash.delete(key) [or] array.delete(key) { |key| block } Deletes a key-value pair from hash by key. If block is used, returns the result of a block if pair is not found. Compare delete_if. |
9 |
hash.delete_if { |key,value| block } Deletes a key-value pair from hash for every pair the block evaluates to true. |
10 |
hash.each { |key,value| block } Iterates over hash, calling the block once for each key, passing the key-value as a two-element array. |
11 |
hash.each_key { |key| block } Iterates over hash, calling the block once for each key, passing key as a parameter. |
12 |
hash.each_key { |key_value_array| block } Iterates over hash, calling the block once for each key, passing the key and value as parameters. |
13 |
hash.each_key { |value| block } Iterates over hash, calling the block once for each key, passing value as a parameter. |
14 |
hash.empty? Tests whether hash is empty (contains no key-value pairs), returning true or false. |
15 |
hash.fetch(key [, default] ) [or] hash.fetch(key) { | key | block } Returns a value from hash for the given key. If the key can't be found, and there are no other arguments, it raises an IndexError exception; if default is given, it is returned; if the optional block is specified, its result is returned. |
16 |
hash.has_key?(key) [or] hash.include?(key) [or] hash.key?(key) [or] hash.member?(key) Tests whether a given key is present in hash, returning true or false. |
17 |
hash.has_value?(value) Tests whether hash contains the given value. |
18 |
hash.index(value) Returns the key for the given value in hash, nil if no matching value is found. |
19 |
hash.indexes(keys) Returns a new array consisting of values for the given key(s). Will insert the default value for keys that are not found. This method is deprecated. Use select. |
20 |
hash.indices(keys) Returns a new array consisting of values for the given key(s). Will insert the default value for keys that are not found. This method is deprecated. Use select. |
21 |
hash.inspect Returns a pretty print string version of hash. |
22 |
hash.invert Creates a new hash, inverting keys and values from hash; that is, in the new hash, the keys from hash become values, and values become keys. |
23 |
hash.keys Creates a new array with keys from hash. |
24 |
hash.length Returns the size or length of hash as an integer. |
25 |
hash.merge(other_hash) [or] hash.merge(other_hash) { |key, oldval, newval| block } Returns a new hash containing the contents of hash and other_hash, overwriting pairs in hash with duplicate keys with those from other_hash. |
26 |
hash.merge!(other_hash) [or] hash.merge!(other_hash) { |key, oldval, newval| block } Same as merge, but changes are done in place. |
27 |
hash.rehash Rebuilds hash based on the current values for each key. If values have changed since they were inserted, this method reindexes hash. |
28 |
hash.reject { |key, value| block } Creates a new hash for every pair the block evaluates to true |
29 |
hash.reject! { |key, value| block } Same as reject, but changes are made in place. |
30 |
hash.replace(other_hash) Replaces the contents of hash with the contents of other_ hash. |
31 | { |key, value| block } Returns a new array consisting of key-value pairs from hash for which the blockreturns true. |
32 |
hash.shift Removes a key-value pair from hash, returning it as a two-element array. |
33 |
hash.size Returns the size or length of hash as an integer. |
34 |
hash.sort Converts hash to a two-dimensional array containing arrays of key-value pairs, then sorts it as an array. |
35 |, value) Stores a key-value pair in hash. |
36 |
hash.to_a Creates a two-dimensional array from hash. Each key/value pair is converted to an array, and all these arrays are stored in a containing array. |
37 |
hash.to_hash Returns hash (self). |
38 |
hash.to_s Converts hash to an array, then converts that array to a string. |
39 |
hash.update(other_hash) [or] hash.update(other_hash) {|key, oldval, newval| block} Returns a new hash containing the contents of hash and other_hash, overwriting pairs in hash with duplicate keys with those from other_hash. |
40 |
hash.value?(value) Tests whether hash contains the given value. |
41 |
hash.values Returns a new array containing all the values of hash. |
42 |
hash.values_at(obj, ...) Returns a new array containing the values from hash that are associated with the given key or keys. |