位置:首頁 > Web開發 > BackboneJS教學 > BackboneJS collection.url()方法

BackboneJS collection.url()方法





<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Collection Example</title>
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         var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});  ////'MyModel' is a model name

         //The 'MyCollection' is an instance of the collection
         var MyCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
            model: MyModel   //The model 'MyModel' is specified by overriding the "model" property

         //The model "MyBlog" contains default values for 'user' and 'myposts' attributes
         var MyBlog = Backbone.Model.extend({
            defaults: {
            user: null,
            myposts: []
         initialize: function () {
            var myval = this;

            //Model 'MyModel' gets the 'user' and 'myposts' from the model 'MyBlog' by referring to the current object
            this.MyModel = new MyModel(this.get('user'));
            this.posts = new MyCollection(this.get('myposts'));
            this.posts.url = function () {
               return myval.url() + '/myposts';

         //It enables the url() function by using the id attribute to generate the URL as "/MyBlog/50/myposts/26"
         urlRoot: '/MyBlog/'
         var attributes = {
            id: 50,
            myposts:[{id: 26}]

         //The model "MyBlog" will access the attributes and display the url using 'url()' function
         val = new MyBlog(attributes);
         val.posts.each(function (MyModel) {
            document.write("The url pattern is: ",MyModel.url());



  • 保存上述代碼在文件url.html

  • 在瀏覽器打開這個HTML文件。